These stunning wool rugs have been crafted by an octogenarian couple using traditional methods.
Wool is collected by hand and then washed ready to make into balls ready to be used on a "Taan", a wooden framed loom strapped to a wall.
The Taan allows the continuation of daily chores: watching cattle, children and enjoying village gossip while still being able to weave.
The couple pride themselves for continuing the legacy they inherited from their forefathers, and feel that "the art of weaving Radi runs in their blood".
Often, you'll see four generations of the family sitting together, contributing
in weaving the Rug.
in weaving the Rug.
This item comes from a remote small village in the Himalayan mountains unreachable by motorised vehicles. Traditionally carried in a wicker basket strapped to the back, this item is gifted to loved ones to mark any special occasion.
This item supports a vulnerable community.